Sklep Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije o zaščiti slovenskih interesov ob vstopu Hrvaške v NATO
Republika Slovenija ugotavlja, da meja na kopnem in na morju med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško, kljub vztrajnim naporom Republike Slovenije za rešitev tega vprašanja, še ni dokončno in sporazumno ugotovljena oziroma določena. K spoštovanju stanja na meji med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško na dan 25. 6. 1991sta se vladi obeh držav zavezali tudi s skupno brionsko izjavo, ki je bila podpisana 10. junija 2005.
Republika Hrvaška je, kljub zavezi obeh strani, da bosta do dokončne in sporazumne rešitve mejnega vprašanja spoštovali stanje na dan osamosvojitve, storila številna enostranska dejanja in sprejela pravne akte, s katerimi spreminja ozemeljski status quo na dan osamosvojitve in tako poskuša prejudicirati rešitev mejnega vprašanja.
Republika Slovenija zaradi zaščite slovenskih interesov ob pristopanju Republike Hrvaške k severnoatlantski pogodbi opozarja, da zavrača poskuse kršitve ozemeljske celovitosti Republike Slovenije ter spreminjanje stanja na kopnem in na morju na dan 25. 6. 1991, ko so slovenski organi izvajali pristojnosti, med drugim tudi v zaselkih na levem bregu Dragonje, na ozemljih na levem bregu Mure pri Hotizi ter ko je Republika Slovenija imela teritorialni stik z odprtim morjem in je izvajala jurisdikcijo nad celotnim Piranskim zalivom.
Amended resolution, adopted at the 7th extraordinary session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 18 February 2009
The Republic of Slovenia states that the border on land and on sea between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia, despite the persistent efforts of the Republic of Slovenia to resolve this issue, has still not been definitively established and determined in agreement. The governments of both states also committed themselves to respect the status of the border between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia on 25 June 1991 with the joint Brioni declaration, which was signed on 10 June 2005.
In spite of the commitment of both sides to respect, until a final and consensual settlement of the border issues, the status that existed on the date of the proclamation of independence of both states, the Republic of Croatia has carried out a number of unilateral actions and has adopted legal acts, the aim of which has been to alter the territorial status quo on the date of the proclamation of independence. It has thereby attempted to create a prejudice for the settlement of the border issues.
In order to protect Slovenian interests with regard to the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the North Atlantic Treaty, the Republic of Slovenia wishes to recall that it rejects all attempts of an infringement of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Slovenia and any modifications of the situation that existed on land and on sea on the date of 25 June 1991, when the Slovenian authorities, inter alia, exerted their jurisdiction in the settlements on the left bank of the Dragonja river, on the territory on the left bank of the Mura river at Hotiza, the Republic of Slovenia had a territorial contact with international waters and exerted its jurisdiction in the entire Bay of Piran.